I think periodic training is good in any walk of life or profession, but it must be Periodic Training i.e. in this case 1 x 7hr course per year. Each 7hr course should be a different module not sitting 5 x 7hr courses of the same module, crammed into one week – this is not periodic training at all, in my opinion this is the candidate thinking they are having an easy ride and giving the centre an opportunity to make easy money.
So..to do Driver CPC periodic training, get it right and do it periodically.
Supposing we are all singing from the same sheet and have the understanding of periodic training, what do I think are the advantages of this, speaking not only as a Centre but also, a Transport Manager….
Advantage 1 – Absorption of knowledge
Periodic Training does not have to be just that time of the year, when you get up in the morning and dread the fact of wasting yet another 7hrs of your life in the classroom when you would rather be on the Golf Course or at ‘that’ most important football match, or downing a pint or three in the pub, it can be fun and if we can only appreciate why it has been put in place – yes to keep you the driver professional and competent and above all safe, we should therefore embrace it and get involved, after all, your time on the road is paying your salary. Anyone who has trained with us will tell you the same thing, interaction makes the time spent in the classroom go quicker and with our unique technique way of training this is what you get, results being, the knowledge learnt on the day is easily absorbed and taken with you onto the road.
Advantage 2 – Early detection
With my Transport Manager’s hat on, I look for a reduction of infringements from a driver. Periodic training done right, one course per year, will keep you up to date with current legislation - not that learnt 5 years ago when you last crammed your 35hrs in and so, you should either have less infringements or require more training in the areas where the infringements occur.
Advantage 3 – Reduction in fines
Cameras, they are everywhere, watching everything we do, a course on the Highway Code will reminds us what when and how we should be driving on the road. Let’s face it, when was the last time you read the Highway Code, I bet most of us would answer, ‘when we took our test’, but like everything else, legislation changes and if we don’t keep up to date we find ourselves picking up stupid fines for not being aware. For instance, we think we will be okay jumping in on the end of a bus lane as you can’t be bothered to wait to cross over correctly, or joining the hard shoulder on the motorway too soon, because you can see the matrix in the distance allowing you to do so, but that camera will surely spot you. Other common fines picked up are obviously using a mobile, speeding, not wearing a seat belt and not being in control of the vehicle due to lack of concentration, tiredness or sending texts. Periodic training reminds us how to behave on the road and if tired, what we should do to remain safe and in control of the vehicle.
Advantage 4 – Delays on the road
We all think we know it when it comes to loading our vehicles, after all, we have been doing it for years, why is it then drivers still get pulled over and delayed by VOSA for insecure loads, uneven loads, being overloaded or simply not having done their daily walk around checks correctly – answer, because we fall into bad habits and fail to see this until we do our periodic training where this is brought to our attention. We have all at some time been guilty of this but, can you honestly say you can afford what really could be avoided with just paying a little more attention to detail, I think not, we are all far too busy to be delayed.
Advantage 5 – Reduction in insurance claims by knowing our vehicle
Knowing your vehicle is fully roadworthy, this is obtained by making sure you do your vehicle walk around checks on a daily basis. There is no set time for doing the walk around check however, government bodies always look for approximately 15 minutes which should be shown on your tachograph as other work. You should also make sure your vehicle is loaded securely within the axle weights and the load is stable. Overloading of any one axle can make your brakes unstable which, in certain situations can contribute towards accidents. Always remember the driver is ultimately the person responsible for the road worthiness of the vehicle and the stability and security of the load.
Advantage 6 – Staying safe & secure – knowing what to be aware of
Being a truck driver is hard enough in present times without having to be caught up with unwanted passengers, theft from the vehicle or even more importantly violence to you the driver. Being aware of the steps we should take when leaving and returning to the vehicle helps you to be secure. Unfortunately, violence towards you as a driver, no training in the world will stop, but what it does do, is make you competent and professional and hopefully carries you through to what is safe for you, prior to reporting the incident.
I could go on and on about the advantages of periodic training, but hope the above has driven home why it is so important and why there is NO advantage in cramming all your training into one year. We at DSF Driver CPC & Consultancy would now like to hear from anyone with their thoughts as to Driver CPC training, how in your opinion it could be improved, any disasters you have encountered with VOSA or anything else you have to say, above all, we hope we have changed your views, if you are one of those who waits until the death to complete their training that, 1 COURSE PER YEAR IS REALLY THE RIGHT WAY TO GO ABOUT IT ……..More Blogs on the way!!!!!!